Infinite Love

True Freedom Is Inside
3 - DAY Workshop on Evolution of Human Consciousness with optional Travel Experiences
Relocating to Ecuador or Colombia in preparation for Nibiru?
At the time of this writing, I still don't know where my soul is taking me, but I will keep you posted. Because of my experiences, I have first had knowledge of the positives and the negatives of living in Costa Rica and Colombia. I believe we will settle in both Ecuador and Colombia but time will tell if I am right.
If you are considering a move away from where you have been living most if not all of your life, please contact me. It takes years to prepare a move like this. It is however important to start NOW. Nobody knows exactly when Nibiru will affect us. Many have estimated the time to be between 2000 and 2050. I therefore choose to believe it may be close to 2025, the mid point of the predictions. That leaves us with less than a decade. In my opinion, the next decade will fly by and it may be too late if you don't start NOW.
Sring of 2018
Summer of 2017
Time to be set according to demand.
"The Big Picture" of the evolution of human consciousness.
We will answer the following questions:
- Who am I?
- How do I access my consciousness?
- What is soul consciousness?
- Why did I incarnate in this hell - on - Earth?
- How do I start the journey to
Paradise - on - Earth?
We will cover all ten topics of Personocratia's Booklets: Evolution, Authority, Religion, Politics, Law, Money, Health, Education, Family, and Society.