Infinite Love

True Freedom Is Inside

True Freedom - Is Inside
My evolution of consciousness has further accelerated because of the writings and teachings of Sri Aurobindo and The Mother
Sri Aurobindo's Symbol
The human evolution has always been a double evolution: The one of matter and the other one of Spirit. Sri Aurobindo's symbol represents this double evolution. The pink lotus is found in the center of Sri Aurobindo's symbol because pink is the colour of the psychic light, it is the vibration of the individual soul, the psychic being. The Mother,
Sri Aurobindo's evolutionary companion, confirmed that the soul of each human being is a unique, advanced type of soul. This soul will guide the body of the individualized human in its purification and, ultimately, the transformation of its 3 bodies (the mental body, the vital body, and the physical body), will be realized. The chakras of the human body are represented in the symbol, by the lotus flower. Chakra is a Sanskrit word that signifies "wheel". These chakras are vortexes of energy that act as revolving doors between the concrete physical human body, and the subtle universal worlds found inside and outside of the body.
The triangle pointing downwards represents the female energy of Spirit. The triangle pointing upwards represents the male energy of matter. The Spirit descends deeper and deeper into the heart of the matter. This integration of Spirit is happening everywhere in the Universe, but it is most active on planet Earth because the transformation will take place, on Earth.

"The Big Picture" of
the evolution of
human consciousness.
We will answer the following questions:
- Who am I?
- How do I access my consciousness?
- What is soul consciousness?
- Why did I incarnate in this hell - on - Earth?
- How do I start the journey to
Paradise - on - Earth?
- I become conscious that I am locked up "inside" a survival
- I CHOOSE to escape from this prison at all cost.
- I learn to think, talk, and act as the divine being that I AM,
in all aspects of life.
We will cover all ten topics of Personocratia's Booklets: Evolution, Authority, Religion, Politics, Law, Money, Health, Education, Family, and Society.
A more effective evolution of consciousness can be achieved by reading Personocratia's Booklets prior to this workshop. This is an encouragement but not a prerequisite.
Integration of Divine/InfiniteLove consciousness.
What Is Nibiru?
Today everyone is talking about the apocalypse on the internet! Since the word apocalypse means revelation, unveiling, we are warned that the world economy is on the brink of collapse, the oceans will soon submerge most of the earth, and our politicians are chosen to see through a plan decided by a secret government in order to keep the sheep in the sheep pen and drastically reduce the flock at the same time.
For a few years now, amateur and professional astronomers (bound by professional secrecy) have noticed the presence of a planet or a dwarf star, which is getting closer to our solar system. Sumerians named it Nibiru, and astronomers call it Planet X (the 10th planet).
Nibiru crosses our solar system roughly every 3,650 years, causing major damage every time. Its passing is mentioned in ancient texts from the following traditions: Babylonian, Egyptian, Roman, Mayan, Aztec, Toltec, Iranian, Hebrew, Persian and Hindu. Many nations have perpetuated the legends that talk about Nibiru. Nibiru's last journey happened at the time of the Jewish exodus out of Egypt to Palestine with Moses. Simultaneously, China suffered huge earthquakes and Crete was destroyed by volcanic eruptions. The time before (7,300 years ago), Noah built his ark to save a few human beings and animals, before the rise in the water level. The earlier passing brought the destruction of Atlantis and the extinction of many animals, such as the mammoths and the sabre-toothed tigers. The legends and strange discoveries are now starting to make sense.
The elite have decided to hide Nibiru’s presence, so that the world population doesn’t panic and stop its normal activities (work, purchase of products and services from multinationals, payment of various taxes, including income tax, etc.) To this end, it had to invent false reasons to explain the geomagnetic changes and the natural cataclysms that indicate Nibiru’s presence, thus making up the global warming theory.
Other explanations for the climatic and geomagnetic changes are based on chemtrails and the HAARP type antenna systems (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). It’s the geoengineering theory. Although geoengineering is real, its action cannot influence other planets of the solar system, nor can it affect Earth in such drastic ways. Only the Planet X theory, a celestial body that is approaching our solar system causing measurable perturbations, seems to answer the many questions that surface.
How do I Prepare for Nibiru’s Passing?
Knowledge is power! The occult forces that are guiding the elite know that if humanity is aware of the upcoming events, many will turn inward and will make the body-soul union much more easily than if they continue to believe that life will go on as before and that there is nothing to do. Human beings who have made the body-soul union, cannot serve the occult forces anymore. They become their own masters and are truly free.
If a critical mass of human beings succeeds in making this body-soul union, these occult forces will lose their favourite energy source: the human battery. It is easy to understand why the elite are keeping us in the dark (education, media, religion, culture) and they try, through zombifying technologies (chemtrails + HAARP + television + cellular phones + smart meters) to keep our level of consciousness as low as possible. If you are reading this NOW, consider watching : "The Apocalypse? Yes, Thank You!” Please go to www.tripletransformation.ca for a lot more information on various subjects. .I trust you will then be ready for Personocratic action.
In order to transform myself without dying, I must prepare NOW at four levels. This preparation will allow me to stick it out during and after Nibiru’s passing.
Soul preparation is the most important. Humanity needs an apocalypse because humans don't know WHO THEY ARE, and therefore, they identify with their false identity, the ego. If I identify myself to my soul and I stay in constant connection with her, I will be guided in each moment towards the places, the actions, and the words that are most perfectly aligned with my aspiration.
My body is made up of three fundamentally different levels of consciousness.
The one vibrating at the the highest level corresponds to the mental vibration, made up of thoughts. The mental body is an important tool, because it helps me to understand what is happening, and to organize myself logically.
My vital body, the one of energy, is built up of desires and animal urges. It constantly lives in fear of not being able to satisfy them. This fear generates emotions of anger, rage, anxiety, and hate. A powerful egoic personality has formed around each fear. The collection of these fearful personalities forms what I call my ego. If I don’t succeed in dissolving these cowardly characters before Nibiru’s passing, when the various apocalyptic events arise, they will force me to make decisions based on survival of the out-dated species instead of on the new life of a body undergoing transformation.
Once I have started the soul, the mental, and the vital preparations, it is important to help the physical body last until the end of its transformation.
- I must say “No, thanks!” to help offered by official authorities because they can only obey their hierarchic superiors and keep me in the role of a poor victim.
- I must say “No, thanks!” to evacuations to refugee camps that will offer shelter, water, and food, because they will control me mentally (false beliefs), electromagnetically (microwaves, microchip), biologically (GMO’s, vaccines), chemically (fluoride, drugs, and hormones), or physically (torture, rape, forced labour).
- I must say “No, thanks!” to hyper-intelligent, falsely wise and technologically superior good aliens, to their psychic gifts, and to alien-human hybrids that serve them. None of them can help me transform. They can only keep me in the illusion that the solution is external.
- I must say “No, thanks!” to spiritual saviours from ancient traditions and to their false messages of peace, fraternity, and harmony. They can only take me on the wrong track that will sink me deeper into the illusion and victimhood.
- I must say “Yes, thanks!” to a preparation of self-responsibility, and then, I must extend the preparation to the community.
For more information on Nibiru, go to: www.tripletransformation.ca/store/